The Fragility of Fitness…
The Fragility of Fitness…
What’s the fragility of fitness I hear you ask? Let me explain…
I bet over the last 14 years (jeez, am I really that old?) I’ve had this conversation about 5,000 times…
“I used to exercise, but then (insert a totally normal life event here) happened and I stopped. I haven’t really trained since”.
I always think the same thing…. “So?”
So what if you got a new job?
So what if it was your child’s birthday?
So what if you moved house?
So what if work was really busy?
This is the difference between a lifestyle and a trend. If it’s your lifestyle, you adapt.
It’s the fragility of fitness…
I’ve never truly understood why a life event stops people from exercising for months or years at a time. A temporary hiatus, I get. Stopping training for months or years, I don’t.
This week, we’re having our bathroom converted. It currently looks like this…
It’s the kind of thing that stops people exercising.
I didn’t train last week, but that was because it was my job to strip the tiles and plaster off, so I didn’t have the time – after work it was straight home to do some more work on the bathroom until the kids went to bed.
In fact, I even got them involved. Cheap too – a fiver each and they helped me clear a lot of rubble!
This week, it’s back to it. Actually, it’s really convenient – not having a shower at home gives one a perfect excuse to go to the gym – you can shower there afterwards!
It brings me to this – if your exercise regime is so fragile that a normal life event can throw it off course, then something is pretty wrong.
Stop seeing exercise as a temporary thing. It’s not something you do for a short while, it’s something you do for life.
Like brushing your teeth or washing your hair.
If you want to be and stay healthy, you have to exercise.
Not for 5 hours every day, but some movement, 3-5 days per week. If you can’t get to the gym, do some bodyweight work at home. Go for a walk or a run. Ride a bike. Do 100 burpees in your living room – anything, just get some exercise in your day.
Exercise is a lifestyle, not a trend.
For less than £50 you can buy some gym equipment that will give you a great training option at home, so even on days when you can’t do your usual training, you’re still getting some work done! I show you the kind of kit you can buy in this post…
Here’s the kind of home based workout I do…
In summary, stop stopping your training. It’s doing you no good and it means you have to keep starting from scratch.
P.S. There’s a £1 for 7 days trial on my ABC Programme. If I do say so myself, it’s the best online fitness programme out there. I’ve spent a lot of time looking and I haven’t found anything that comes close.
Join the £1 for 7 days trial here.
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