Kettlebell and Bodyweight HIIT Home Workout
If you can’t get to the gym and want to invest a little money in training kit, you can try this kettlebell and bodyweight HIIT home workout!
Thanks to my job as a personal trainer, I have plenty of exercise kit I can use for a home workout. I put together a simple kettlebell and bodyweight HIIT home workout – it had to be relatively short but a very high intensity workout as it was designed for conditioning and fat loss.
What you’ll need for this home workout…
It’s pretty equipment-light, but the great thing is the equipment you’ll need it both cheap and versatile. You’ll be able to do plenty of other workouts with just these couple of bits of kit.
The Kettlebell Home Workout
These are the exercises we did and the order we did them in. I’ve included a couple of short technique videos to help you get to grips with the movements…
10 Minute Kettlebell Overhead Snatch – as many reps as possible (AMRAP).
(I managed 116kb snatches (58 per arm) in 10 minutes with a 24kg kettlebell – I’m aiming for 150 kettlebell snatches with a 24kg kettlebell within the 10 minute time frame).
Rachel used the 12kg kettlebell but did the same amount of work.
When this section of the workout had finished, we moved on to…
5 x 5 Pull Ups.
I did these whilst Rachel performed rows with the 24kg kettlebell.
I have a fantastic pull up bar at home called the Iron Gym Extreme. It’s cheap, made well and is a must for anyone who trains at home. (You can see my review of it here).
Workout Finisher: Kettlebell Swing and Push Up Complex.
Again, I used the 24kg kettlebell and Rachel used the 12kg kettlebell.
We started at 15 swings, followed (without rest) by 15 push ups, 14 swings, 14 push ups etc all the way down to 5 of each. We then did a final set of 10 swings and 10 push ups (this is a way of still doing 4, 3, 2 & 1 of each but it’s completed in one set, saving time).
Kettlebell Swing to Push Up Complex Numbers: 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 10.
If you are struggling to visualise exactly how this element of the workout would look, check out the example video below. It’s a complex I use with my personal training clients…
To recap, the home workout went like this…
- 10 Minute Overhead Snatch
- 5 x 5 Pull Ups
- 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 10 Kettlebell Swing and Push Up Superset
At the end of this workout I was absolutely cooked. We kept the rest periods as short as possible and made sure we worked at a high intensity.
With any conditioning workout its value is in the intensity – working hard is the only way to make a conditioning workout worthwhile, meaning you’ll burn fat faster and make strides in your fitness and fat loss.
I’ll be doing more kettlebell workouts that I’ll share with you on the blog, but if you are interested in reading more on kettlebell fundamentals, this article is a decent place to start.
Give it a try and see how you get on! Doing this proves a home workout can be easily as good as anything you do in the gym.
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