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Why Aren’t I Losing Weight?

Why Aren’t I Losing Weight?

As a personal trainer I am often asked by people who seem to be doing everything right “Why aren’t I losing weight?” They are watching their calories, exercising regularly but the weight just isn’t shifting – why?

Usually it is something very simple and easy to correct that will trigger the weight loss process – these are some of the more common reasons for a lack of weight loss…

  1. Carbohydrate intake is too high. Many people try to lose weight by reducing their fat intake whilst increasing their carbohydrate intake. The problem here is that this can cause a change in hormones that actually promote fat storage. By reversing this approach – increasing dietary fat intake whilst reducing carbohydrate intake you are likely to start shifting the fat.
  2. Wrong type of activity.

    When trying to shift body fat, the best kind of exercise to perform is resistance training. This increases muscle mass, which in turn increases metabolic rate (burns more calories). Too many people opt for endurance exercise such as swimming, cycling or jogging which actually reduces muscle mass and reduces metabolic rate. Steve Hoyles, Personal Training, Stockport Personal Trainer, Personal Trainer Stockport, Steve Hoyles,

  3. Too much fruit.

    Fruit is healthy, but it is very high in sugar which is stored as fat. When you are trying to lose weight try to limit fruit to a single piece per day and try to eat this in the post-exercise window when you body is more metabolically active, meaning it is less likely to be stored as fat.

  4. Not enough sleep.

    I feel like I have said this a thousand times before, but sleep really is the missing ingredient in most people’s healthy lifestyle plan. Sleep allows your body to rest and recover. It repairs tissue damage, regulates hormones and uses stored fat. Another benefit is that when you are asleep, you aren’t eating! Get yourself to bed and rest.

  5. Fluid intake is too low.

    Dehydration is often a reason people aren’t losing weight. Water intake is a key fundamental of a healthy diet. Drinking water improves digestive function, fat metabolism and general health. Get gulping.Why Aren't I Losing Weight?,, Personal Trainer Stockport, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Fat Loss

  6. Wrong nutrient timing.

    To a degree, exercise provides a protective buffer to calorie intake. Post exercise your body burns more calories that pre-exercise, so by timing your higher calorie meals to your post-exercise window you are not going to suffer as much of the waistline damage.

  7. Poor food quality.

    The danger of following a ‘calorie controlled’ diet is that the food quality comes second to its nutrient density. By this I mean too often people sacrifice healthy, natural foods for foods that sit within their calorie allowances, which is a bad choice. Food quality should always top energy density. A plate of quality meat and vegetables with 600 calories is always better for you than a chocolate bar containing 300 calories – always remember that when making your choices.

Why Aren't I Losing Weight?,, Stockport Personal Trainer, Weight Loss, Fat Loss, Paleo

If you are struggling to lose weight despite trying very hard, put these tips into practice and see what happens!

For more help and advice with regards to weight loss, check back regularly!

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Owner of Personal Trainer, Father and fitness copy writer. Working hard making the world fitter and healthier!

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