Aqua Sphere Kaiman Goggles – Review
Aqua Sphere Kaiman Goggles – Review
Before we go any further, I want to point out that I haven’t been paid a penny by Aqua Sphere for this review of the Aqua Sphere Kaiman goggles. I bought these goggles myself.
Now that’s over, I’ve got something else to share. In the coming weeks I’ve got a bit of a series coming – one on a mission to improve my swimming. I like to be a bit of a fitness Jack of all trades, so it’s why I do things like…
Next up on the list is swimming. I’m not expecting to be fish-like, but if I can get to a point where I can dramatically improve my swimming, that would be fantastic! I can swim no problem, but I’d like to be a good swimmer!
In the meantime, I’m going to share with you a product I’ve been using recently and it’s one that I really like.
I came across the Aqua Sphere Kaiman goggles thanks to a recommendation in Tim Ferriss’ book, the Four Hour Body…
His endorsement of them was pretty ringing. He seems to have tested them pretty thoroughly and his reputation largely lives and dies by his advice, so at such a low price point, I went for it. I think I paid around £14 for them so it’s hardly a fortune.
Over the years I’ve owned dozens of pairs of goggles and usually end up swearing at them and throwing them in the bin. They’ve leaked, been uncomfortable, I’ve had strap issues and in the worst cases, the straps have snapped.
If I’d bought cheap, I’d understand – I typically don’t buy cheap stuff though. I supposed I’d filed goggles under the ‘umbrella’ category – something that is entirely unfit for the environment in which it’s designed to be used. Think about it – in a storm, an umbrella breaks. In water, goggles leak.
The Aqua Sphere Kaiman Goggles have been a bit of a revelation. I’m a contact lens wearer, so it’s a bigger deal to me than most if goggles leak – they can damage my contact lenses and even wash them out of my eyes (not ideal). Also, when you’re spending a lot of time focussing on technique, you can do without the distraction of crappy, leaking goggles.
I was away in Fuerteventura last week with my Fit for Life fitness retreat. During the week I spent a lot of time in the ocean, diving down to spot tropical fish.
If you’ve never been to Fuerteventura, it’s an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The waves there are BIG, the currents can be pretty strong and the conditions provide a tough test for any goggles. It was a great testing ground for my Kaimans.
They sailed through. Seriously, I was swimming in big waves, spending a lot of time under water. Nothing got through them at all. I hadn’t even bought the open water goggles, just the ones designed for gentle pool use.
They were comfortable, didn’t slip, didn’t leak and have earned their status as a great product in my eyes!
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