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If You Feel Pain During Weight Training, What Should You Do?

If you’ve been weight training for a while, you’re no stranger to muscle soreness. Achieving “the burn” is a good thing while lifting weights. However, while muscle soreness goes hand-in-hand with weight training, injuries do not.

The key to staying healthy and fit is being able to differentiate between injury pain and muscle soreness, cramps, and fatigue. The bigger question is if you feel pain during weight training, what should you do?

We’re here to help provide some guidance. Keep reading for everything you need to know about workout injuries.

If You Feel Pain During Weight Training, What Should You Do?

If you’re new to lifting weights, you may not know how to react to the burning sensation that comes with pushing your muscles hard. Additionally, you may not understand that the soreness you feel (even intense soreness) is a natural part of the process.

While working out, your muscles experience micro-tears and release lactic acid. Then, they rebuild themselves, they grow stronger, harder, and bigger. This process can create soreness for a few days, which is perfectly normal.

Now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s talk about what to do if you feel pain unrelated to this process.

Stop Exercising Immediately

Gym injuries are typically sudden, sharp pains. In this way, they are unlike regular muscle soreness. No matter how tough you are or how badly you want to finish the workout, stop exercising immediately.

The pain you’re feeling is your body’s warning signal to stop doing what you’re doing. Continuing could exacerbate the injury.

See a Doctor

If you feel pain during weight training, what should you do if it doesn’t go away? 

Some pains and twinges are small lifting injuries that will take care of themselves in a few days. However, if you’re experiencing pain that doesn’t relent after three to five days, it may be wise to see a doctor. You should also see a doctor if the pain is intense or debilitating.


As noted above, lifting weights causes trauma to the muscles. When we rest, the muscles rebuild themselves. You need to take the same approach to recover from a weight lifting injury. 

Our bodies are incredible machines capable of healing themselves (most often). Typically, all it needs is the space to do so, provided by rest.

Get the Right Medication 

If you feel pain during weight training, what should you do to help with recovery? Recovering from an injury is always easier if you use pain relief medication. You can order medication online to save money on over-the-counter pain relievers and prescription drugs.

Use Ice and Heat Packs

Hot and cold packs are always a good supplement to help expedite the healing process. Heat increases blood flow to injured areas and can loosen tight and stiff muscles. Cold packs, on the other hand, can help numb pain and reduce swelling.

We suggest using them in conjunction with one another. 

Ease Back Into Weight Training

Finally, recognize that fitness injury prevention is incredibly important for your long-term health. When you come back into the gym after recovering from an injury, start slowly. Ease back into weight lifting, especially with exercises that affect the injured area. Incorporating PEA capsules into your recovery regimen can be beneficial. PEA capsules are believed to support a healthy inflammatory response and manage discomfort, potentially aiding in post-recovery and ensuring a smoother return to your fitness routine.

You should also look into effective warmup, cooldown, and stretching routines.

Looking for More Fitness Advice?

Our blog is dedicated to helping veteran gym-goers and new fitness enthusiasts alike. Our goal is to provide valuable, realistic information and advice to help people improve their health, no matter where they are on their fitness journey. 

We answer everything from “If you feel pain during weight training, what should you do?” to questions about fasting and losing weight. Be sure to check out some of our other articles before you go.

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Owner of Personal Trainer, Father and fitness copy writer. Working hard making the world fitter and healthier!

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