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5 Tips To Help Alleviate Foot Pain

If you have a foot problem, it’s important to determine the underlying cause. If the problem is a build-up of tissue on the bottom of your feet, it can be alleviated with some simple measures. For one, a good foot health program will address the problem and help your feet return to health.

Sometimes, this type of problem doesn’t occur until later in life, especially if you have poor or improper footwear or are over-exaggerating your activity levels. But there are also those kinds of foot pain that can happen at any time of the day, especially after prolonged walking.

Your feet do much of the work in a day and support your weight, which is why it’ll hurt from time to time. Fortunately, there are some things that you can do to help your feet feel better. 

Read on to learn how to alleviate your foot pain:

1. See A Doctor

The symptoms of foot pain include swelling in the sole or the arch of your foot, redness or itching of the area, or tenderness. In some instances, a person may have pain in the foot that doesn’t respond to treatment. Sometimes, there may be a fever associated with foot pain. In other cases, the pain may be caused by a more serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. In all cases, it’s important to see your doctor from the Eastern Idaho Foot Clinic so that they can determine the cause of your foot pain.

It’s important to note that overuse injuries can result from a number of things, including accidents, bad posture, improper footwear, and muscle strain. Fortunately, your doctor can appropriately diagnose the root cause of it all, especially when the pain has already been persistent.

If your doctor diagnoses you with a foot injury, they may prescribe an anti-inflammatory medication to help provide pain relief. You should also consider taking ibuprofen or other pain relievers that your doctor prescribes to you. These pain relievers will help you manage your pain and also treat the swelling in your foot.

2. Improve The Circulation In Your Feet

You need to improve the circulation in your feet because your feet will start to experience pain or cramps when it’s left in a sedentary position for a prolonged period. Thus, to improve the circulation around it, you need to move your feet from time-to-time.

The problem comes, however, when you’re sleeping or when you have to stay behind your desk the entire day. Surely, you won’t have the convenience of moving around regularly. Thankfully, there are things you can apply to your feet to improve its circulation.

This can be done with the help of foot creams, as well as special shoes that you can use while you sleep. In fact, many people have found relief with these special foot care products because they make the problem much easier to treat. You can use a foot cream that contains essential oils, such as chamomile or eucalyptus. You can either do this right before bedtime or in the morning.

So, if you’re suffering from foot problems, you should definitely give these items a try.

3. Relax, And Then Stretch Your Muscles

You also need to get your muscles relaxed to allow your foot to move better. Rather than the pain, focus on the muscles because that will prevent you from straining your joints. This way, you’re taking care of the problem right from the root of it all. Relaxing your muscles is also something you have to do especially if you’ve just spent an entire day putting so much physical work and pressure on your feet.

After, try to stretch your muscles around your ankles and feet as much as possible, when you’re suffering from foot pain. This will regulate the blood flow in your body, helping relieve the strain on your feet. As your pain decreases, your circulation will be better, so you’ll notice less pain in your feet, even after the initial source of it has been dealt with.

When you relax and stretch your muscles, you’re also giving ample time to strengthen them. This is important because one common way to help prevent and treat foot pain is to strengthen your foot muscles. The muscles in your feet help stabilize the bone and keep it from shifting forward, which can cause pain. Strengthening your muscles may help reduce the pain.

4. Avoid Too Much Pressure On Your Feet

It’s important to avoid anything that causes pressure on your feet, so don’t wear socks or shoes that are too tight. Hence, when you go shopping, don’t rush the process. Give yourself ample time to fit the shoes every time you go shoe shopping. This can help guarantee that the pair is indeed comfortable.

Fortunately, there are many different types of shoes that are comfortable. A good example is shoes that contain memory foam, which is suitable for running and exercising. If this is available in your local shoe store, then that’s an excellent kind to buy. 

Furthermore, if you have pain in your ankle or foot, you should avoid wearing high heels. Shoes should also be made of soft and comfortable material and should have arch supports built into them so that your toes are supported.

Gradually put on the shoes that you’re eyeing to buy. If it truly hurts, then don’t force it, even if you have to go to work. You may want to write to your boss or ask permission to wear foot ware that’s comfortable enough for you, temporarily, while your feet try to heal.

5. Apply Ice On The Swollen Or Painful Area

Another thing you can do to treat your foot pain is to use ice. Ice may help decrease the swelling that you experience and increase your comfort level, preventing further irritation of the area.

However, it’s important to note that this type of treatment should only be used as a temporary measure–right after the pain or swelling first starts to come up.


You can do these simple remedies above before you consider going to the hospital to see a doctor. Hence, you can have the relief you need right at the comfort of home. 

When symptoms persist, that’s when you can head out and put your foot care in the hands of foot experts.

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Owner of Personal Trainer, Father and fitness copy writer. Working hard making the world fitter and healthier!

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