Who Says You Can’t Get Fit In London?
The smog, the big grey, the industrial engine of the world, the city, or where royalty lives, there are many nicknames for London, but they are all still meaningful even in this age. 8 million people have chosen to make this amazing place their home. It’s truly Europe’s concrete jungle, being the largest city on the continent and growing evermore. But, that poses a challenge for its citizens. How on earth do you stay fit in a city where there isn’t much room for running or doing sports out in the open? Sure there are gyms and fitness centers but how do you actually work out in fresh air, open places where you can enjoy the sight of the sun, sky, and birds?
Hyde Park
During certain parts of the year, this park is very popular among businesses. Whether it’s Halloween, Christmas, or Easter, lots of rides, street food stalls, and shows take place within its boundaries. But, Hyde Park is actually a very large park, making up 350 acres. It shuts at 12 am so you have plenty of time to get in that late-night jogging session. The park also provides flat lawns, something which other parks don’t. The flat surfaces can be used for yoga practice, meditation, or other kinds of workouts such as pilates or aerobics. It’s also in the heart of the city, so you can access the park from all angles and public transport methods.
Riding is life
It’s foolish to drive around London. With 8 million people, the streets are regularly clogged with buses, cars, pedestrians, dogs, and yes, bicycles. But, you can ride bikes all over the city for no extra charge, thanks to bike lanes that have opened up over the previous years. The only thing that stops people from doing so, is the unusually high rate of theft incidences. You can use this innovative and modern system of bicycle parking which leaves your bicycle in the hands of trustworthy professionals, running their own private service for cyclists in London. You simply need to text them to say you would like to drop your bike off and then text them 15 minutes before you intend to pick up your bike, to allow them to get your bike out of their storage bays. This means you have no excuse to not cycle to work and back home, each and every day.
Spin classes
Growing rapidly in popularity, spin classes are able to be done from home not just at gyms. Thanks to modern technology, you can get home from work, have something to refresh yourself and then hop on the bike, to be met by your instructor and all the other members of your class. Peleton spin bikes are very popular as they offer weighted resistance so you can pedal hard and they use cutting edge technology to measure distance, intensity, calorie-burning, and handlebars that can measure your heart rate.
Although it’s a little harder to stay fit in cities, you have plenty of opportunities, as long as you’re willing to adapt your lifestyle.