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What Questions Should I Ask My Spine Doctor?

It is important that you have prepared questions before meeting with a spine specialist. The first time you meet with the doctor, you will be searching for answers to help you understand what is causing the back problem in the first place, what you’ll have to do to recover from the injury and what remedies are available to you. If you come prepared, letting the doctor know exactly what you have been doing and pointing out when and exactly where the problems are occurring will help the specialist pinpoint the issue and come up with a prognosis.

Patients should be ready for a full comprehensive evaluation which many include X-rays or even MRIs so any previous information that you can provide your doctor with may prove to be very helpful. Sharing any other previous medical information, not just to do with your spine may also help the doctor. You can visit the website for some of New York and New Jerseys’ finest spine doctors working for The Back & Rehab Group. 

How Long Will It Take Before My Spine Is Fixed? 

The spine is made up of bones, nerves, connective tissue and muscles that causes many people worldwide serious and long term issues. Although most assume back issues occur when doing strenuous physical activity or exercise, spine issues can occur when doing a very small movement, for example picking up a pencil from a table. There are many different types of back issues that can be minor concerns, however there are unfortunately more severe cases that can cause long term discomfort and long term health conditions. The spine has proven to be a very delicate and complex area of the human body. Many spine specialists may be able to pinpoint the issue almost immediately. However in some cases the problem may be more complex and it may take years before a working solution is diagnosed. 

Pinpointing The Problem

When the spine specialist is confident on what the nature of the condition is, the next step he or she faces is the location of where the spine problem is exactly. Often, this can prove difficult as there are 33 vertebrae in the neck and the spine. Each of these interact with muscles, nerves, ligaments and tendons. It is common that when one of these is injured it can cause problems in other, larger areas of the body which can prove difficult when trying to pinpoint exactly where in the spine the injury is. Many spinal specialists who can’t seem to prove where the source of pain is originating from, might recommend that you get a more invasive diagnostic procedure. A facet joint injection or sometimes a radiofrequency rhizotomy might be advised.

What Needs To Be Discussed When You Have Been Given A Prognosis?

If your doctor is sure of the nature of the problem and where the issue is located, it is important that you discuss your short and long-term prognosis. If the condition is not serious, you probably should discuss with the specialist in detail what the treatment consists of and how to avoid the pain returning. However, in more severe cases, be prepared that your doctor might recommend spinal surgery. Going into depth about pain management techniques to help you deal with the pain before, during and after the procedure. The doctor might offer you advice on simple changes to your lifestyle including physical activity and exercises. They might even recommend you visit a physical therapist. If you plan on taking up a new physical form of exercise or job that may affect your spine it is important that you discuss this with the doctor who may provide you with some advice. 

How Common Is Back Problems?

Globally, back problems have been the leading cause of disability. It is the most frequent reason for workers in the United States to take a sick day from work. More than half of the population claim they have had some sort of back issues in their life. People from all ages, including children often attend the doctors room reporting problems with their spine. Each year there are approximately 270 million sick days taken by America’s full time employment workforce who have reported that they couldn’t attend going to work due to issues with their back. That makes up for 2 days off work for each American annually. Spine problems is the third highest reason for people to visit the doctors office, with skin problems and osteoarthritis disorders edging ahead.  

What Are Some Common Questions To Ask A Spine Doctor After Being Diagnosed With A Back Problem?

Again, being prepared with your questions can prove to be helpful to your recovery. After being diagnosed with any illness, patients tend to be overwhelmed and may forget to ask the doctor queries they might feel are important. Here is a list of a few questions that might help you.

Can other conditions be the root cause of my back problems? It is not uncommon that other issues may cause back problems. Cancer of the spinal cord, kidney infections, arthritis and sciatica are a few issues that could be causing you pain in your back. 

Are there activities I can do at home or in work that help reduce the pain? Many doctors will recommend some basic stretches or exercises like swimming or yoga to help with the pain. They might also be advised to do some warm up techniques before you play sports or before you sit down at your desk to work.

Is there medicine that I should be taking or is there medicine that is not being prescribed that may benefit your recovery or an alternative treatment available? There are many over the counter creams and medicines that are available. Doctors might also have alternative suggestions like changing your diet, perhaps by adding more calcium as a solution. Others may recommend acupuncture or to practice mindfulness and meditation. 

If given medicine, how long do I have to take it and are there any side effects? There are lots of different medicines and creams available that spine specialists will recommend you to take. It is important to be aware of the side effects you may encounter. Be sure to discuss with the doctor if you are already taking medication for a different issue as this can often prove to be dangerous. 

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Owner of Personal Trainer, Father and fitness copy writer. Working hard making the world fitter and healthier!

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