This Is How To Get Your Butt To The Gym (Without Fail!)
Motivation! That is what we are talking about here, and how powerful a force it can be in our lives. In fact, being motivated is precisely what will get you into the gym, without fail 3, 4, or even 5 times a week. It’s also what will get you outside for your run, even when it’s tipping it down, or to your HIIT classes though a binge-watch of your most favourite box set beckons. What we are saying here is if you get your motivation right, you can move mountains. Something you can find more about how to do in our post below.
Improve your health long term
One crucial motivation for getting your butt to the gym is the positive effect of regular exercise can have on your long term health. We’re not just talking about being socially fit enough to do the things that life throws at you hear, although that certainly is a benefit.
In fact, we mean that exercise can help you maintain bone density, muscle suppleness, and even help control your weight. Something that with disease like cancer being linked to obesity, could make a life or death difference. Now, if that isn’t a strong motivation, I don’t know what is.
Look great
It’s not vain to want to be and look like your best self. In fact, many people find that when they look their best, they also have much more confidence, and this can impact positively on how they act in all areas of their life.
This means looking great is another strong motivation that can be leveraged to help you work out regularly and get your butt in the gym. Additionally, treating yourself to some nice gym kit that makes you feel good and allows you to show off your body’s best bit can help enhance this experience. A strategy that can give you double the feel-good feedback when you hit the weights!
Although, it is vital to watch out for the fake sportswear that is now commonplace online. After all, a cheap knock off probably won’t fit as well, and certainly won’t perform as good as the genuine article can. Something that may end up putting you off a strenuous workout rather than encouraging you.
Feel happier
We’re pretty sure that if we asked most people in the world, whether they would like to feel happier, they would say yes. What is ironic here is that at least 80% of people already have a strategy to facilitate this at the fingertips, but aren’t using it.
Of course, what we mean here is that physical exercise can make a difference in our mood and mental health. In fact, movement releases endorphins, the happy hormones which can provide an instantaneous buzz.
Then there’s the sense of confidence you get from applying yourself to a goal and achieving it. This being excellent for both mental health and self-esteem. Happiness is, therefore, another fantastic motivator for those that want to get their butt into the gym without fail!