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Best running shoes for flat feet

Numerous studies on health and fitness have shown that running increases lifespan. For running, it could be said that “if exercise were a pill, running would be the most popular pill in the world”. And, the important thing worth noting here is, it would be the least expensive one, with little to no cost.

Running is one of the effective ways to lose weight and keep it off. It involves continuously moving your entire body weight, thereby burning more calories than most other activities. Apart from helping in shedding those extra pounds, running also improves immunity, enhances cognitive functioning, boosts your mental health and reduces depression.

Undoubtedly, running offers several benefits to our bodies and brains. However, it can be a bit of a task for people with flat feet. Running involves a lot of flexibility, the exertion of your muscles and movement of your feet. That is why; people with flat feet often experience pain and discomfort in feet, and even pain in the back, knees and hips. 

The pain you experience while running is not actually because of your flat feet, but due to overpronation of your feet. Over-pronation means that your feet are rolling in the inward direction more than the normal rolling. Normal rolling of the foot while we walk or run is known as pronation and it helps in absorbing the impact of the feet. 

However, over-pronation affects weight distribution, which leads to stress in your knees, leg muscles and hips. 

However, there is no need to frown. Having flat feet need not discourage you from running. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that having flat feet can give rise to certain problems, if running not done in the right way. Here are a few things to know while, if you have fleet:

Follow a good training practice:

Lack of proper training can result in injuries in the lower limb area due to flat feet. It is better to apply fundamental training principles or get help from a professional. Make sure you are into training consistently without start/stop approach. Also, do proper stretch and warm-ups before and after you run to reduce the chance of injuries.

Maintain a healthy weight

Running is one of the effective means to lose weight, however, while running you experience stress on your body especially in the muscle-skeletal system. If your body is not strong enough or if you are obese, you can experience more stress while running. Therefore, it is important to take a healthy diet and follow a fitness regime to avoid gaining those extra pounds that can restrict you from running. People who are overweight can experience more tension due to flat feet.

Change your Terrain

If you are taking part in the races and marathons, you cannot take control over the route you take on the race day. However, if you are training just for fun and your feet are hurting, then consider choosing the terrain that is comfortable for your feet and leg. Choosing a better route means you need not cut a mileage.

The flat terrain is good for flat arches. Descending hills can exaggerate the degree of overpronation and increase the tension on legs, feet and ankle. It is better to run over softer surfaces such as flat grass field or track, as far as the surface is not too uneven.

Pick the Right Shoes

If you have flat feet that are rigid and stiff, it is better to choose your shoes wisely before starting your running journey. Look for shoes that are softer and provide adequate cushioning when the foot strikes the ground.

Here are things to consider for picking the best shoes for flat feet:

  • The shoes must be designed to correct overpronation.
  • Must be a perfect fit for extra shock absorption
  • Must have good mid-foot stability and cushioning
  • Should provide stability without interfering with the natural stride of the foot.

In a nutshell,

Running every day offers a wide range of health benefits; don’t let your flat feet stop you from gaining those. If you are the one with flat feet, then it is better to take some precautions and choose the right shoes before commencing your journey.

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Owner of Personal Trainer, Father and fitness copy writer. Working hard making the world fitter and healthier!

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