Men’s Sexual Health – Confidential Help is Available Online
One of the most taboo subjects for men is sexual health and in particular, erectile disfunction. The inability to get or keep and erection is somewhat of an embarrassment that a lot of men don’t want to admit to, which in turn stops them seeking help for. It becomes a vicious cycle. You can address the issue discretely though, using Sildenafil via Oxford Online Pharmacy.
An online consultation will take place with a fully qualified doctor, then as soon as your medicine is approved you’ll be able to receive it via the post. It’s a quick and simple service.
The reality is, a lot of men suffer with the condition at some point in their lives. It can be caused by a huge number of factors, with smoking, alcohol, mental health issues (stress in particular) and weight gain being the most common. There are additional lifestyle factors such as recreational drug use that can cause problems with maintaining an erection too.
There are lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your chances of suffering with erectile disfunction. Here’s a short list…
Lose Weight
Research shows us that overweight men are more likely to suffer from erectile disfunction. Thankfully, weight loss is a step you can take that will benefit more than just your sexual performance, it also reduces the severity or likelihood of hundreds of other comorbidites such as heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.
Strength Train
The male sex hormone, testosterone is important for helping sexual desire in men. An effective way to boost testosterone is to lift weights regularly. Effective strength training helps to stimulate testosterone production, plus it gives you a handy confidence boost! Exercise is also a stress reliever and mental health booster, so gets you past a couple of the other major erection-killers!
Drink Less Alcohol
One of the fundamentals when it comes to erectile dysfunction is alcohol abuse. Studies have shown that alcohol consumption can have a dramatic impact on sexual performance in men, so if you are suffering with erectile dysfunction then a good place to start would be to reduce alcohol consumption, or ideally get rid of it altogether, at least for a short period of time.
Finally, Relax!
Stress is known to be a big problem around erectile dysfunction – getting or staying in the mood for sex is a problem when you have high stress levels. Take the time to relax – meditate, go for walks, read a book, listen to music – just do whatever you need to in order to take the edge off the day.
If you are suffering from sexual health issues, remember you can visit Oxford Online Pharmacy and receive medical help for the problem.