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Dumbbell Types: Which Is Right for You?

All dumbbells are not created equal. There are many different types, and they are a necessity for a great workout. Dumbbells come in various sizes, weights, and styles. They can be found with different designs and boast a variety of features. Some are made for the gym, others are for the home. You can even look at do-it-yourself versions. If  you’re looking to buy dumbbells, there are dumbbells for sale in Canada

With so many options, you have to ask yourself: Which is the right type for you? 

Why Use Dumbbells? 

Dumbbells help build greater strength as they allow for a greater range of motions. If you are wondering, MAGMA Fitness has dumbbells for sale. There are several purposes behind dumbbells in a workout. Before diving into types, let’s look at these purposes. 

Unilateral Movements 

Dumbbells are great for unilateral movements. Unlike barbells, they work the right and left side separately. Even if you perform the movement at the same time, you are not working your muscles bilaterally. This helps with correcting form, boosting weak areas, and fighting muscle imbalance. 


With the unilateral movements, there is an emphasis on stabilization, which helps with stable muscles and a strong core and back. The more you focus on stabilization, the better you can control the weight separately.

Muscle Imbalance 

Dumbbells help with avoiding muscle imbalance. A dumbbell workout can show when one arm is working harder than the other. If you notice this, you can work to strengthen the other arm and regain the balance.

Types of Dumbbells 

There are three main types of dumbbell: adjustable, standard, and do-it-yourself. Each comes with pros and cons, and the best one for you depends on the type of workout you are seeking. 

Adjustable Dumbbells 

Adjustable dumbbells can be metal or sometimes plastic. They come with clamps or screws for adjustments. 

With some dumbbells, you can adjust using weight plates that can be added and removed accordingly. Others have a selector knob to adjust and lock in the desired weight.

There are many types of adjustable dumbbells for home-based workouts. They are great when you need convenience. Plus, they can save you money and space. 

Bowflex is one of the most known brands to make dumbbells. You can check out reviews to familiarize yourself with the company. Of course, there are other brands, so also have a search around and find what works for you.

Standard Commercial Gym Dumbbells 

Commercial gym dumbbells are typically rubberized and come in various set weight increments. Obviously, dropping a weight can damage a gym floor, which is why this type of weight has a rubberized outside to prevent dropping and damage.

At gyms, you will find a rack with various weights in five-pound increments. You might find iron dumbbells, but those are more common in bodybuilding gyms. Some gyms will also have lightweight dumbbells used for classes, cardio, personal training, and elderly gym members. 

Do-It-Yourself Dumbbells 

DIY dumbbells are for those on a tight budget. Buying weights can get expensive. If you need to cut down on costs, this is the route to go.

Options for homemade dumbbells include: 

·     Cement blocks and steel pipe 

·     Milk jugs with PVC pipe 

·     2-liter soda bottle with sand and PVC pipe 

·     Molded with sand/cement or metal 

The important part of a homemade set of dumbbells is to have uniform weighted sides and a connected middle. The DIY style is also helpful if you want to learn more about the weights you are using in your workout. You can play around with materials to change the weight and add or remove as necessary.

While not a popular option, the do-it-yourself route might be the most interesting for your home workouts. 

All in All 

You might read this and find that there is not a clear answer to the type of dumbbell to use. The truth is that you just have to find what works best for you by doing a bit of research. You can get strong results by varying the types of dumbbells you use. Through trial and error and perseverance, you can get the results you want however you want. Just make sure to consult a professional, so they can advise you where to start.

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Owner of Personal Trainer, Father and fitness copy writer. Working hard making the world fitter and healthier!

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