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You are putting in your best, still you see no results!

You are putting in your best, still you see no results!

When there is no sign of transformation, that has to be the most frustrating part, especially if you have spent hours and days trying your level best.

Although your body takes a significant amount of time before any visible differences can be noted, if your workout routine involves some hard core training, then a month is enough to bring out those abs. However, if you feel demotivated, there is a good amount of chance that the reason is not the gym but you. Here are the top 5 workout mistakes that might be sabotaging your success:

1. You are more Focused on Cardio

Yes, cardio is necessary for burning fat and building stamina, but sticking just to cardio or doing to much of it won’t do you any good. In fact, every fitness routine involves a certain ratio for cardio and weight lifting and knowing the right balance is actually the key to success here. For a successful training that will give you immediate results, Rob, an experienced and prominent personal trainer in London, suggests doing cardio for 20-30 minutes, three times a week, in case if you want to gain muscle mass, and one or two cardio sessions in case if you are trying to lose weight.

HIIT treadmill workout, non-traditional cardio

2. You are Doing the Same Thing Again and Again

If you find yourself doing the same thing over and over again, then you have made your muscles immune to it. This will automatically cause your body to adapt to it, which means no results no matter how hard you try. In order to break this vicious cycle, you need to shake up your routine and takes things up a notch, by bringing in high intensity sessions. This can involve adding in more weights and by increasing the number of reps, with lesser rest time. That ought to give your body a good wake up call.

3. Your Form is Compromised

For any exercise to have a positive impact on your body, you need to make sure you the movements you are doing are being done in the right manner. Otherwise, not only will you see no results but you will actually harm your body in doing so. Common posture mistakes, especially during weight lifting, planking and squatting end up hurting people more than they can imagine and is the no.1 back ache trigger overall. The solution to this lies in doing your research and following the directions, keeping your back firm and straight and looking at yourself in those gym mirrors while working out.


4. You are not Tracking Yourself

For a serious transformation, consistency is the key. If you don’t remember the routine you did two weeks ago, or are inconsistent in your sessions or worse, are pampering yourself with cheat meals every now and then, then no amount of workout and no machines in the gym can help you be a better version of yourself. Fitness is a lifestyle not just a 30-40 minutes drill you do in the gym.

5. You Don’t Stretch after a Workout

Stretching does you and your muscles wonders, yet almost a majority of people leave out this important thing after a workout. After an intense training, stretching actually helps the muscles relax and provides them with more oxygen. It also helps prevent an injury to the muscles, repairs them faster and builds more muscle strength.

These mistakes are the deal breaker in the fitness world and by fixing these, you can actually revolutionize your workout routines almost instantly.

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Owner of Personal Trainer, Father and fitness copy writer. Working hard making the world fitter and healthier!

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