What’s Training?! Thoughts on my Recent Lack of Exercise…
You have my PT client and friend Mark to thank (or blame) for this. It’s a piece about my lack of training recently and what I’m going to do about it…
He was having a personal training session recently and we were talking about the new gym I’m opening (August 2020 – be there or be….). I was updating him open progress and telling him that because of the sheer amount to do, my training has taken a back seat. I’m fitting in occasional workouts in and around other things. In fact, occasional is an overstatement – I’m barely training at all.
He said that would be an interesting article and email about my thoughts on that and how I’m going to address it.
The reality is that at the moment, I don’t have the time I used to have to dedicate to training.
If I’m not training others, I’m writing. If I’m not writing or training, I’m at the gym, helping out with the building, dealing with suppliers, making decisions on equipment, meeting with the architect, the tradesmen working on the job, being present for the building inspections etc. Once that’s done, I go home and I deal with my emails, see my family etc.
I’ll write an article on my lack of training in time, but at the moment, I’m too busy to!
I’m not complaining at all, I love it – I’m just pointing out what life is like at the moment.
Whereas I used to have a window of time to get some form of training most days, I don’t at the moment. But it’s temporary. In two-three weeks the gym will be built and I’ll have gym access again. I’ll have time in my life!
My thoughts on a lack of training…
I don’t enjoy not exercising regularly. It saps my energy. I’d imagine I’ll be weaker when I return to training. I’m getting a little extra ‘padding’. I’m not avoiding exercise because I’m being lazy, or even because it doesn’t have my priority – I have certain obligations I have to meet and at the moment, they come first.
But they won’t forever.
What I’m going to do about it…
I’m going to chart my journey back to fitness on my blog. I’m going to take what I know about myself, how I respond to training, to challenge and what my body does and I’ll document it via the blog. I’ve done these before – the most recent one was the 3 Day Fast.
I have a few days to think about my approach, then I’ll get started. I’ll let you know the first steps I take and we’ll go from there!
You may be in the same position…
There’s a good chance that some of you reading this are in the same boat as me – you may be busy home-schooling kids, you may not have access to a gym, you may be working extra hard as a key worker. I’m going to invite you to join in with me on a return to training challenge.
All free, just a group motivation thing. I’ll share what I’m doing in my workouts as I go along.
Before you go…
If (like me) you’ve gained a little quarantine weight, I’ve written a book that will help you lose it very, very quickly and without any confusion…
Happy reading!
Anyway, I’m off to pick up my son, then it’s personal training and then back to the gym to see today’s progress!