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Travel-friendly workouts: exercising routines you can do anywhere 

Staying fit while traveling is easier said than done, mostly due to lazy days by the poolside or late-night indulgences which may make adding exercise into the mix feel impossible.

That said, all you need is a short energizing sweat session to reset your body and mind. After all, at the end, a little body movement is always better than none at all.

So the next time you are on the move, try these simple full-body plans you can do anywhere, whether at the airport during a layover, in your bedroom, at a hotel or even on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean.

Start with a walk

Walking is a perfect exercise while traveling and equivalent to a good workout because it gets your body moving and also allows you to explore new destinations you are in.

Do a bit of research beforehand to find the best place to walk like a boardwalk, a park, a historic loop or a good path that you can follow. Then all you need to do is to don your hiking shoes and do a brisk walk for thirty minutes.

Push ups

Work your chest, arms and torso in a push-up position with your hands on a bench, couch or bed and the feet on the floor. Lower the body till the chest almost reaches the floor and push yourself up and back to the position you started from.

Continue a number of times. Remember to keep your body in as straight a line as possible, your chest far away as possible from your hands, especially at the top of the movement.

Tricep Dips

Begin this simple workout by keeping your arms behind your back, on either side of a stable chair, with your feet extended in front of you. Then bend your elbows while lowering the hips to the ground at the same time, but keeping your chest up.

Make sure that while your chest is up, your torso should be tall throughout the movement to work best on your shoulders and triceps.

Split Squat

Stand in a split stand position with your back foot elevated.Then lower your hips towards the floor by bending your front knees, but prevent the back knee from touching the ground.

Return the body to the position you started from by pushing up with the front leg. After completing the workout on one side, repeat the exercise with the other leg. The key is to maintain the maximum weight on the front foot and very little on the back foot. Great exercise for hamstrings, glutes and quads.


Keep your body in a modified push up position and your hands shoulder-width apart on a bench, bed or even the bathtub and your feet apart. See that the torso is stable, then slowly draw one knee up towards the chest and slightly across the body, without rotating the torso.

Return your leg to the starting position and repeat all movements with the other leg. Perform all movements slowly and the rotation should all be done with the hip.This workout is good for shoulders, torso and the abdomen.

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Owner of Personal Trainer, Father and fitness copy writer. Working hard making the world fitter and healthier!

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