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Staying Healthy in a Nursing Home 

Pursuing wellness is a top priority for many Americans. The end goal is typically to live a long and happy life where they can continue to engage in the activities they love for years to come. Maintaining health as you age, however, is a little more complicated. The body has started to decline, becoming weaker and less able to stand against the pressures of everyday life.

When you add the extra layer of living in a nursing home, wellness becomes even more of a challenge. Elderly individuals who live in long-term care facilities may have access to on-site healthcare services, but looking after their health is still crucial to encourage a more fulfilling lifestyle.

Whether you are moving into a nursing home yourself or have an aging parent that will soon become a resident, here are a few helpful tips to support a healthy lifestyle when living in this kind of care facility.


Physical activity is important at any age, but it is especially helpful for seniors that want to maintain health. Staying active can keep your blood vessels flexible and your heart strong. It also strengthens your muscles and bones, prolonging their lifetimes. While there may be scheduled events that encourage exercise for seniors in a nursing home, it is important to take steps yourself to get the blood pumping. Maybe you can invest in some home gym equipment that makes it easy to exercise in your room when the weather is bad. Or you can go for more walks on nice days. The more you exercise, the more likely you are to maintain mobility as you get older. 


Sometimes the food options at nursing homes can be a little lacking in variety. This could lead to poor diet choices that prevent your body’s cells from receiving the vitamins and minerals they need. Focusing on a balanced diet as soon as possible can keep your body in a better condition for years to come. The key is to make sure that you are making wise choices. If your meal plan is not diverse enough, perhaps it can be supplemented with some groceries that include more foods you enjoy from various food groups. Perhaps you can even do a little more cooking in your kitchen if the facility you choose comes with this amenity. 

Get Better Sleep

More sleep and better sleep are not always the same thing. For some people, a better sleeping schedule simply means going to bed earlier so that they can get more hours. For others, it might mean changing some bedtime routines to prepare the body well for sleeping. Either way, prioritizing sleep is crucial to allow your body time to recover from the activities of each day. Try not to eat too much shortly before bedtime. Stay off the screens for a little while before bed and maybe read a book instead. Healthy sleep can be key to maintaining hormone balance and healthy aging.

Watch for Signs of Neglect/Abuse

Nursing homes are often hotbeds for elder abuse and neglect. The fact that this population is so vulnerable makes it a tragedy that people would be reckless or take advantage of them. Keeping an eye out for the signs of abuse and neglect is a wise strategy to protect yourself or your loved one from potential risks. A conversation with a nursing home attorney revealed that the number of nursing home abuse claims is rising, which is why you should be on the lookout for unhappy residents, inattentive staff, or signs of physical abuse to determine if you are in good care at this facility. 

Stay Social

Mental health is a critical element of overall wellness. You could be in peak physical condition, but if your mental health is in shambles, then your quality of life will be diminished. A major factor in mental health, especially for elderly individuals, is being social. The older you get, the more likely you are to see friends and family that you grew up with pass away. This can make you feel isolated, especially as your family is all younger than you. Recognizing that you need relationships to thrive is crucial. Do your best to be engaged socially with the other residents at the nursing home or ask for visits from your friends and family members. The stronger your relationships, the better it is for your mental health. 

Accept Help When You Need It

The hardest part about aging can be feeling like you are losing your independence. Since you may not have the capacity to care for yourself in the first place, that is probably why you are in a nursing home to begin with. This is a reality of aging that you must face. Asking for help from others may become a regular occurrence, especially in terms of your health. 

Don’t be afraid to ask your close family members, good friends, or the care staff at the nursing home for help with pursuing your health goals. 

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Owner of Personal Trainer, Father and fitness copy writer. Working hard making the world fitter and healthier!

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