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Getting Back on Track: 4 Tips for Beating That Fitness Slump

Everybody gets in a slump from time to time, especially when it comes to fitness. If something happened in your life that disrupted your usual fitness routine, it’s not always easy to find the motivation to get back into it. But the good news is that starting over and getting your fitness routine back again doesn’t have to be as difficult as it feels right now. Here are some tips to help you get going. 

Stop Negative Self Talk

Have you ever heard yourself saying something like, “I’m so lazy/stupid, I just can’t get back into a routine!”? This is negative self-talk, and it’s never going to help motivate you to go back to regular working out. Every time you hear yourself saying something bad about yourself, counteract it by reminding yourself that you deserve a little bit of kindness too. What would you say to somebody else if they were in your situation? Would you call them lazy, or would you tell them that they’ve had a lot going on recently and not to be so hard on themselves? The way you speak to and about yourself can have a huge impact on your motivation to get things done. You can do it. Tell yourself that! 

Put Yourself First

Most people who end up in a fitness slump weren’t getting fit for the best reasons in the first place. Have you ever wondered why people who manage to continuously work out every morning at 6am, no matter what’s going on in their life, or how fit and healthy they already are, manage to do it? The secret lies in your mindset. If you’re working out because you hate the way your body looks, you’re not going to last very long. Let’s change things around and work towards a more positive mindset and view of your body. Your body is amazing, regardless of what it looks like. It keeps you alive every single day. Working out is being kind to your body and supporting it to do what it’s meant to do. It’s not punishing your body for not looking the way you want it to. 

Get a Buddy

If holding yourself accountable is something you struggle with, you’re not alone. Many people find it easier to stick at something if they have somebody else who holds them accountable and doesn’t let them bailout for the smallest reasons. Maybe you have a friend who would encourage you to get up and go to the gym even if you’re feeling tired or stressed. You know you’ll feel better when you get there and start exercising, but getting out of the house feels like climbing a mountain. Having somebody who’ll go with you, encourage you and hold you accountable can make it easier for you to stay strong and refuse to give in to demotivated feelings.

Get New Gear and Supplements

Instead of trying to ‘get back to where you were’ it can help to see this new fitness journey as something completely different. Forget the past; you can’t go back there anyway. If it helps, treat yourself to a new gym outfit or pair of trainers that might encourage you to go and use them. You might also find it useful to get a good pre-workout supplement that will give you a little boost before working out by raising your energy levels. Check out the best currently available options here. 

Getting stuck in a slump with your fitness routine can suck, but by changing your mindset, having somebody to help you hold yourself accountable, and giving yourself the tools you need to start again, you can do it. 

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Owner of Personal Trainer, Father and fitness copy writer. Working hard making the world fitter and healthier!

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