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6 Tips to Maximize the Benefits of Exercise When You Have Hearing Problems

It can be hard to get motivated to exercise when dealing with a hearing problem. You may feel discouraged by not hearing your music or following instructions in exercise classes. However, thanks to the accessibility of tools and technology like hearing aids and apps specifically designed for people with hearing loss, working out doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. Exercise is an essential part of any healthy lifestyle regardless of whether you have a disability- so today we’ll explore six tips to maximize the benefits of exercising irrespective of your hearing difficulties.

1. Make Sure to Wear Proper Hearing Protection 

Wearing proper hearing protection during workout sessions is crucial, especially if you have a hearing problem. Physical activities often involve exposure to potentially damaging sounds. For instance, fitness classes often play high-decibel music, and outdoor activities such as cycling or running can expose you to traffic noise. Using ear protection can help safeguard your remaining hearing abilities while allowing you to partake in these activities.

A wide array of hearing protection options are available, from noise-canceling earbuds to specialized earplugs. Your audiologist can provide recommendations based on your specific needs. You can also click here for more information on the type of hearing aids you need to protect your hearing during exercise. Remember, it’s essential to keep your hearing aids or implants secure and protected during workouts, so consider products designed to protect these devices from moisture and physical impact.

2. Consider Using a Fitness Tracker 

Fitness trackers can play a pivotal role in enhancing your workout regimen. These high-tech devices, wearable on the wrist, monitor your physical activity, such as steps taken, calories burned, heart rate, and sleep patterns. For individuals with hearing problems, visual feedback from a fitness tracker can be immensely beneficial, enabling them to track their progress and set personalized goals without auditory cues.

Additionally, many fitness trackers are equipped with vibration alerts for calls, messages, or reminders, providing an essential communication tool for those with hearing loss. Receiving a vibration alert for achieving a daily step count or workout milestone can be a powerful motivator, maintaining the momentum of your fitness journey, irrespective of hearing difficulties.

3. Utilize Audio-Based Exercise Apps 

If you’re looking for a convenient way to exercise at home, audio-based apps like Ear Fitness or HearBeats can be invaluable. These apps feature audio workouts that guide users through exercises while providing visual feedback on their progress. HearBeats also offers customized workout plans tailored to your individual hearing needs, enabling you to tailor your exercise regimen while receiving the support and guidance of an audio coach.

Additionally, many streaming services now offer closed-captioning features for their audio classes and videos, allowing individuals with hearing loss access to a wealth of content while providing the necessary visual cues to follow along. 

4. Connect with Others 

Staying connected is essential for maintaining motivation and staying on track with your fitness goals. Exercise classes are an effective way of forming social connections, allowing you to reach out and participate in various activities while interacting with others. However, navigating the class environment can be more challenging for those with hearing loss. 

To maximize the experience, speak with the instructor before joining a class and explain your situation to establish necessary accommodations. This may involve finding a better spot to see the instructor or requesting written instructions. Connecting with others who share similar experiences can provide support and motivation. Online communities like the Hearing Loss Association of America, HLAA Connected, or HealthUnlocked can assist.

5. Look for Exercise Classes Designed for People with Hearing Loss 

Exercise classes designed specifically for people with hearing loss are becoming increasingly popular. These classes usually feature visual cues and instructions that help individuals keep pace without relying on auditory cues. Sign language interpreters may be available, depending on the class. Additionally, some of these classes offer other specialized services, such as transcribing music into sign language or providing visual aids to help those with hearing difficulties follow the rhythm of the music.

6. Make Use of Visual Cues to Supplement Any Audio Instructions 

You can supplement audio instructions with visual cues if you can’t join a hearing loss class. Watch YouTube videos or online tutorials, pause to break down complex instructions, draw diagrams, or create an exercise routine using images or pictures.

These tactics can be beneficial for following a visual instructor and help minimize confusion. Additionally, suppose you are in an exercise class without visual aids. In that case, it’s often possible to observe the instructor or classmates to understand better the exercises being performed. 

By following these tips and taking advantage of the latest technologies, exercising with hearing loss does not have to be a daunting task. Remember that communication is key, as well as finding a support system and utilizing available resources. You can make the most of your fitness journey with persistence and the right tools.

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Owner of Personal Trainer, Father and fitness copy writer. Working hard making the world fitter and healthier!

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